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The fabric chronicles: a journey through all types of fabrics and their uses
#circularity #deadstock-fabric #sustainable-fabrics

Embark with us on this journey as we explore the various fabric types, unveiling their unique qualities and the ways in which they can breathe life into your creations. Throughout this fabric guide, we will offer insights details of each fabric —uncovering not only their textures but also delving into their sustainable origins, uses and much more.  

This article serves as your compass in an exploration of both natural and synthetic fibers, unravelling their pivotal role in shaping clothing, footwear, accessories, bed linens, and even upholstery. 

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Upcycling textile: transitioning from recycling to circular alternatives in fashion industry
#circularity #recycled-fabrics #upcycled-fabric

In the glamorous fashion industry, where trends change as often as the seasons, an overlooked reality lurks beneath the surface – its significant environmental. However, amidst growing concerns, a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative is emerging in the form of upcycling textiles, challenging the conventional norms of recycling, and introducing innovative alternatives. One such trailblazer in the sustainable fashion landscape is Nona Source, championing the cause by offering deadstock fabrics as a conscious alternative.

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2024 Trend: The Rise of Circularity in Luxury
#circularity #luxury-trends #sustainability

The luxury industry undeniably holds immense power but  this influence comes at a cost, as the industry stands as one of the top contributors to environmental pollution. Its effects on water, soil, and ecosystems, coupled with its significant greenhouse gas emissions, emphasize the urgent need for change. Thankfully, the luxury industry is now steering towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach. Join us as we explore the luxury industry's shift toward a circular economy and sustainable practices in the anticipated trends for 2024.

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